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Professional Experience

since 04/2024     Active Job Search - professional development and reorientation

since 10/2024     Freelance Activity – AI Training Specialist, Outlier

2013–2024          Research Associate, Dept. of Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Chacron Lab

2011–2013          Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Advisor: Dr. Maurice Chacron

                             Project: sensory processing of 2nd order stimulus statistics and related behavior in weakly electric fish.

2011–2011          Research scientist, Inst. of Zoology, Dept. of Neuroethology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.

2009–2011          Post-Doctoral Fellow, Graduate School Bionics: Interactions across Boundaries to the Environment (GK 1572), University of Bonn,                                         Bonn, Germany. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Gerhard von der Emde

                             Project: design of a biomimetic electrolocation sensor for coronary diagnostics.

2009–2011          Program coordinator, Graduate School Bionics: Interactions across Boundaries to the Environment (GK 1572), University of Bonn,                                         Bonn, Germany.

2008–2009          Research scientist, Institute of Zoology, Dept. of Neuroethology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

                             Project: neuroanatomy of the trigeminal nerve of Gnathonemus petersii.

2008                    Research scientist, Center for Neurodynamics, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO, USA.

                             Advisors: Dr. Michael Hofmann, Dr. Lon A. Wilkens

                             Project: efferent projections from the midbrain to motor control centres in the brain stem in Polyodon spathula.



2008                    Ph.D. Neuroscience, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; Advisor: Dr. Gerhard von der Emde

                             Thesis: characterization of receptive fields of electrosensory neurons and their responses to object resistances in the                                                             electrosensory lateral line lobe of the weakly electric fish, Gnathonemus petersii.

2002                    M.Sc. Biology (Diploma), University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; Advisor: Dr. Walter A. Maier

                             Thesis: studies on Trombiculids of the Siebengebirge near Bonn: small mammal hosts, infection rates with Borrelia burgdorferi                                           and comparative DNA analysis. 


Teaching Experience

2019                     Scientific Course Consultant, Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA; Course: Neural Systems & Behavior

                              Lecture Title: adaptive coding in the electrosensory system.

2018                     Scientific Course Consultant, Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA; Course: Neural Systems & Behavior

                              Lecture Title: electroreceptors - An overview across species.

2017                     Scientific Course Consultant, Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA; Course: Neural Systems & Behavior

                              Lecture Title: electroreceptors - An overview across species. [video]

2015                     Teaching Assistant, Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA; Course: Neural Systems & Behavior

                              Lecture Title: electroreceptors - An overview across species. [video]

2014                     Teaching Assistant, Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA; Course: Neural Systems & Behavior

                              Lecture Title: electroreceptors - An overview across species.

2013                     Teaching Assistant, Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA; Course: Neural Systems & Behavior

                              Lecture Title: behavioral responses to low frequency envelopes.

2012                     Teaching Assistant, Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA; Course: Neural Systems & Behavior

                              Lecture Title: envelope tracking in a weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus.

2010–2011           Advisor, Graduate School Bionics, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; Imène Al Ghouz (Diploma (M.Sc.) thesis)

2009–2010           Advisor, Graduate School Bionics, University of Bonn, Germany; Martin Gottwald (Diploma (M.Sc.) thesis)

2008                      Course Assistant, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO, USA; Course: Neuroanatomy

2003–2008           Course Assistant, Inst. Of Zoology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany;

                              Courses: Zoology, Neurobiology, Neuroethology, Life Science Informatics

2001–2002           Course Assistant, Inst. of Parasitology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; Course: Parasitology

Grants & Awards

2018                     Project Grant awarded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (; grant #:                                                                              159694; received by Maurice J Chacron and Michael G Metzen, CAD 657'900. (Link)

2012                     Project Grant awarded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (;                                                                                           received by Maurice J Chacron and Michael G Metzen, CAD 623'385. 

2012                     Award to participate in the “10th International Congress of Neuroethology” and the preceding satellite symposium “Electric Fishes:                                     Neural Systems, Behavior and Evolution” from August 4th – 10th 2012 at the University of College Park, MD, USA, US $ 475. 

2007                    Travel grant by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) to participate in the “8th International                                       Congress of Neuroethology” and the preceding satellite symposium “Electrosensitive Systems” from July 21st – 27th 2007 in                                               Vancouver, Canada. (KON 563/2007 ME 3348/1-1), EUR 2115


Michael G Metzen, PhD

last update: December 2024

© 2017 by MG Metzen

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