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Papers with a link are available online and are provided for personal use only.

  1. Metzen MG, Chacron MJ (2023). Descending pathways increase sensory neural response heterogeneity to facilitate decoding and behavior. iScience, 26(7): 107139. Link

  2. Metzen MG, Chacron MJ (2021). Population coding of natural electrosensory stimuli by midbrain neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(17) 3822-3841. Link

  3. Metzen MG, Hofmann V, Chacron MJ (2020). Neural synchrony gives rise to amplitude- and duration-invariant encoding consistent with perception of natural communication stimuli. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14(79). Link

  4. Huang CG, Metzen MG‡, Chacron MJ‡ (2019). Descending pathways mediate adaptive optimized coding of natural stimuli in weakly electric fish. Sci. Adv. 5, eaax2211. ‡ equal contribution Link

  5. Metzen MG (2019). Encoding and Perception of Electro-communication Signals in Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 13. Link

  6. Huang GC‡, Metzen MG‡, Chacron MJ (2018). Feedback optimizes neural coding and perception of natural stimuli. eLife 2018;7:e38935‡ equal contribution Link

  7. Thomas RA, Metzen MG, Chacron MJ (2018). Weakly electric fish distinguish between envelope stimuli arising from different behavioral contexts. Journal of Experimental Biology 2018 : jeb.178244. Link

  8. Metzen MG‡, Huang GC‡, Chacron MJ (2018). Descending pathways generate perception of and neural responses to weak sensory input. PLoS Biol 16(6): e2005239. ‡ equal contribution Link

  9. Metzen MG, Chacron MJ (2017). Stimulus background influences phase invariant coding by correlated neural activity. eLife 6:e24482. Link

  10. Metzen MG, Fortune ES, Chacron MJ (2017). Physiology of Tuberous Electrosensory Systems. In: Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment. Elsevier Reference Module in Life Sciences 03045. Review. Invited contribution. Link

  11. Martinez D, Metzen MG, Chacron MJ (2016). Electrosensory processing in Apteronotus albifrons: implications for general and specific neural coding strategies across wave-type weakly electric fish species. Journal of Neurophysiology. Link

  12. Metzen MG, Krahe R, Chacron MJ (2016). Burst firing in the electrosensory system of gymnotiform weakly electric fish: mechanisms and function. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 10:81. Review. Invited contribution. Link

  13. Metzen MG, Hofmann V, Chacron MJ (2016). Neural correlations enable invariant coding and perception of natural stimuli. eLife 5:e12993. Link 

    • This paper has been reviewed in an insight report: Sharpee, TO (2016). Neural coding: Taking a close look at electrosensing. eLife 2016;5:e16209.

  14. Aumentado-Armstrong T, Metzen MG, Sproule MKJ, Chacron MJ (2015). Electrosensory midbrain neurons display feature invariant responses to natural communication stimuli. PLoS Computational Biology, 11(10):e1004430. Link

  15. Sproule MKJ, Metzen MG, Chacron MJ (2015). Parallel sparse and dense information coding streams in the electrosensory midbrain. Neuroscience Letters 607: 1-6. Link

  16. Metzen MG, Ávila-Åkerberg O, Chacron MJ (2015). Coding stimulus variance by correlated but not single neuron activity: effects of neural heterogeneities. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 91, 042717. Link

  17. Metzen MG‡, Jamali M‡, Carriot J, Ávila-Åkerberg O, Cullen KE, Chacron MJ (2015). Coding of envelopes by correlated but not single neuron activity requires neural variability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(15): 4791-6. ‡ equal contribution Link

  18. Metzen MG, Chacron MJ (2015). Neural heterogeneities determine response characteristics to second but not first order stimulus features. Journal of Neuroscience 35: 3124-3138. Link

  19. Larson EA, Metzen MG and Chacron MJ (2014). Serotonin modulates electrosensory processing and behavior via 5-HT2-like receptors. Neuroscience 271: 108-118. Link

  20. Metzen MG, Chacron MJ (2014). Weakly electric fish display behavioral responses to envelopes naturally occurring during movement: implications for neural processing. Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 1381-1391. Link

  21. Deemyad T, Metzen MG, Pan Y, Chacron MJ (2013). Serotonin selectively enhances perception and sensory neural responses to stimuli generated by same-sex conspecifics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 110: 19609-19614. Link

  22. Metzen MG, Al Ghouz I, Krueger S, Bousack H, Gerhard von der Emde (2012). Characterization of real objects by an active electrolocation sensor. Proc. SPIE 8339, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication 2012, 833910. Link

  23. Gottwald M, Mayekar K, Reiswich V, Bousack H, Damalla D, Biswas S, Metzen MG, von der Emde G (2011). Inspection and analysis of the walls of fluid filled tubes by active electrolocation: a biomimetic approach. Proc. SPIE 7975, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication, 797510. Link

  24. Metzen MG, Biswas S, Bousack H, Gottwald MG, Mayekar K, von der Emde G (2010). A biomimetic active electrolocation sensor for detection of atherosclerotic lesions in blood vessels. Sensors Journal, IEEE 12(2): 325-331. Link

  25. Pliquett U, Frense D, Schönfeldt M, Frätzer C, Zhang Y, Cahill B, Metzen M, Barthel A, Nacke T, Beckmann D (2010). Testing miniaturized electrodes for impedance measurements within the beta-dispersion – a practical approach. Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance 1, 41-55. Link

  26. Metzen MG, Chambwa M, Wilkens LA, Hofmann MH (2010). Descending projections to the hindbrain and spinal cord in the paddlefish Polyodon spathula. Brain Research 1317: 33-45. Link

  27. Metzen MG, Engelmann J, Bacelo J, Grant K, von der Emde G (2008). Receptive field properties of neurons in the electrosensory lateral line lobe of the weakly electric fish, Gnathonemus petersii. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 194: 1063-1075. Link

  28. von der Emde G, Amey M, Fetz S, Folde C, Hollmann M, Metzen M, Pusch R (2008). Active Electrolocation in Gnathonemus petersii: Behaviour, sensory performance, and receptor systems. Journal of Physiology – Paris 102: 279-290. Link

  29. Engelmann J, Bacelo J, Metzen M, Pusch R, Bouton B, Migliaro A, Caputi A, Budelli R, Grant K, von der Emde G (2008). Electric imaging through active electrolocation: implication for the analysis of complex scenes. Biol Cybernetics 98: 519-539. Link

  30. Kampen H, Schöler A, Metzen M, Oehme R, Hartelt K, Kimmig P, Maier WA (2004). Neotrombicula autumnalis (Acari, Trombiculidae) as a vector for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato? Experimental and Applied Acarology 33(1-2): 93-102. Link


  1. Hofmann V & Metzen MG (2020). Parallel coding in the electrosensory medulla: physiological heterogeneity facilitates processing of diverse stimulus classes. In: “The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, 2nd Edition” (Elsevier). Link

  2. Metzen, MG, Chacron, MJ (2019). Envelope Coding and Processing: Implications for Perception and Behavior. In: Carlson, B., Sisneros, J., Popper, A., Fay, R. (eds) Electroreception: Fundamental Insights from Comparative Approaches. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, vol 70. Springer, Cham. Link

Michael G Metzen, PhD

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